In addition to the development stages taking longer than expected the print and production of deliverables also took longer than expected. While the development stages were down to poor scheduling and slow design development, the print process took longer due to the problems that occured during printing. The design was difficult to produce using screen print, and would be suited to a more professional process. The registration was difficult to master and the inexperience with such unpredictable paper stock meant that we spent a longer than expected getting the desired result.
Since the beginning of the year I have started to gain a renewed confidence in my layout abilities, my copy writing, and my application of typography, I think the visuals produced for this brief have set the standard for my future work, and I feel like I have started to develop a consistency between the quality of the idea and the quality of the final work. I am aware that I am still a bit hit or miss with my briefs as a whole, but with this realisation it provides a platform for future work post university, where I will be continuing my personal development with freelance and self-set briefs.
I engaged in a lot of correspondence with the marketing department at Leeds College of Music in order to make sure they were happy with the direction of the brief. This meant I had to produce industry standard mockups to propose to the marketing department. This engagement came with benefits and allowed us a budget for the print. This allowed for more expensive stocks to be used and allowed us to gain experience selecting, ordering and working with more exclusive paper stock.
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